yeah i havent been on for ages. time to show u guys some stuff i have been working on.
basically the biggest shit i have been researching on
i have plans to install bearings in them but right now its just washers on both sides. they are made of a material just like jace wheels except that they are translucent. they are rather hardy and are about the same size of a techdeck wheel but only larger by a slight bit. dont worry these arent done yet so the finished product will look better. its very very boxy now, as you guys can tell , i shall work on it, till then, haha this will be it
From now on, springfield bushings will be sold in a pack of 6 at a low price of $2.50 and we gurantee you will feel a real big change in performance. The new bushings will be a revolutionary improvement in the fingerboarding scene of bushings so its a totally different feel
they will come equipped with
2 bottom bushings
2 top bushings
2 transparent hard top bushings
the transparent hard top bushings are of the same size as techdeck bushings
as a result, you can choose the way you wish to ride your trucks
you can ride them with the regular material for a responsive feel or the hard top bushings for an extremely tight truck feel with extreme control . you will not need a washer unless you are using the responsive method to tune your trucks as the bottom bushing material adapts to almost all circumstances. we will still feature the core system as we have received numerous feedbacks that it actually makes the bushings fit better
i will further explain the bushing qualities here
RESPONSE:(on the left of the picture)
response gives your truck a feel like never before. they work like blackriver truck bushings , made of a kind of material kinda similar to blackriver trucks material. with the top and bottom bushing made of the same impressionable material, they can be tightened to the maximum but with a little bit of difficulty. what makes them special is that, they may appear to be tight when you ride them, but when u do tricks that require leaning during landing or so, like heelflips, they will lean as well , but they will return to their normal shape after that, improving your stance to give you a realistic style. the impact when landing is also largely cushioned by the bushings so it feels extremely comfortable to ride in this way.
CONTROL: (on the right of the picture)
control system provides an extremely tight truck, featuring a impressionable bottom bushing with a hard top bushing. the top bushing which is extremely durable can be replaced with a techdeck bushing as well. it allows the truck to be tightened easily without a protruding kingpin. they are very good expecially when learning new tricks, or pulling off a difficult line of tricks that require precise flipping of fingers. they give you good control over the deck but the impact while landing is relatively hard because of the reduced rebound and your fingers may tend to hurt after intense fingerboarding.
cannot choose either of them? fret not because every purchase of our bushings will come with both of the system so you can choose what you want to ride, nevertheless, they are in my opinion better than o rings. they will come with a set of pivot cups as well
thanks for supporting springfield!