Listen up people, my name is Brandon Chambers, and if you haven't known I'm a book writer, I work for a publish company.
I'm interested in making the first ever fingerboard book, or fingerboard story. Ideas are truly wanted, these books will be distributed on online websites still unsure about which ones.
I'm looking for three people that all three people to tell me stuff about their fingerboarding, I decided to give you guys first heads before FFI cuz you guys are cool.
Well anyways, I'm going to keep you guys updated on the book progress.
When book is released my publishing company will decided which one of you guys local stores the book will be distributed in.
Sorry forgot to say.
If you want your fingerboard story in the book, I need a video of you fingerboarding, and a nice rounded essay about why I should select you to my email
Brandonchambers@live.comPlease don't private message me because I don't really use this forum, thanks and enjoy fingerboards :].
BTW, don't email me with question, leave questions on this thread. FYI I'm still unsure about book price my manager will decide.
Feel free to subscribe to my youtube account Brandonsmedia for updates on book process.